Paros weather in may
Many travellers are wondering and asking us how the weather in Paros is in May. The answer almost always is sunny! Of course, there are few things you might be asking yourself further. We will analyse them below.
Temperature in Paros in May
The average temperature in May is around 22°C and the humidity is 66%. Yet, it is important to know that during midday, the temperature is usually about 25°C. Therefore, you see many tourists from all over the world lying on the beach, enjoying sunbathing and swimming in the sea. The trick here is to go to a beach which is less exposed to the wind on the particular day. If you have rented one of our cars, you can call us and we will suggest you the best location. Additionally, there are some beaches which feature more warm waters than the others.
The temperature might be higher during the day in Paros than in your country, but do not forget that this is an island. Therefore, warm clothing is mandatory. Also, you will be taking a walk in the evening and when the sun goes down, it might get cold. However, swimsuit should not be missing from your travel bag.
You might thing that, since during the night the temperature might drop below 20°C, you will not have the opportunity to enjoy dinner by the sea. Wrong! Our restaurants are equipped with outdoor heaters. Therefore, you will be able to dine outside comfortably. If you will be looking for suggestion where to have dinner by the sea, you can ask us any time.
Paros weather in May is definitely suitable for a relaxing and memorable vacation. Especially if you are travelling to enjoy your “first sun” of the season. You might even like it so much that you will visit Paros again during summer months. Members of our team will always be at your disposal, to assist you during your time on our island.
Address: Parikia, Paros, 84400 Cyclades, Greece
Agency Phone: +30 22840 22542
Mobile (John Loukis): +30 6982001583
Fax: +30 22840 22542